A New Season for Ohio Hunters


Our season has started! 7 weeks out of the 2015-2016 season; it brought a very welcomed break to all our guides. Now however, the 2016-2017 work season is in full force! We have already booked up all but 3 gun hunting spots for this season and are scheduling out for the 2017-2018 season. We are filling up fast! This is what happens when we limit hunters and provide a great outfitting experience. This past Saturday, we visited all of our stands at Timber Valley Ranch and assessed new locations to set up. Lord willing, and with lots of work, it will produce a very successful up and coming hunting season. This year we are putting up 4 more never- hunted- before stand locations and are very excited about the amount of deer highways we have been seeing. We are fully aware that traffic patterns in the middle of March can greatly differ from what they will be in September, October, or the middle of rut. However, it reveals to us that there is lots of activity and if does travel now does will travel then. Where the does are, bucks will follow! Our focus this time of year is to identify doe patterns, prep plotting areas for feeding and staging, and maintain our attractants. We are out in the field/woods every week now so that 2 months before hunting season we can lay low and let the deer develop their patterns uninterrupted. Our primary goal in all of this is to glorify our Creator by allowing mankind to get out and enjoy His creation. If you are looking for a high quality hunt with an outfit that works year round so you can experience a top notch hunt, look no further than Ohio Guide outfitters. We are looking forward to serving you.

Matt and Jen Pamer

Hunting Guide Bellville OH Ohio Guide Outfitters

Ohio Guide Outfitters
Bellville, OH 44813
(419) 886-2107